31 Things I Loved About Turning (and Being) 31

31 Things I Loved About Turning (and Being) 31

I turned 31 in November, just a month ago, and I wanted to share what I loved about turning this age, and what I love about being it.

Whether you are hesitant about getting older, or reflecting on your relationship with your current age, I invite you to explore what you love about where you are in life right now.

1.Turning 30 was hard for me. It felt like this loaded milestone and made me asses (and criticize) where everything was in my life. You know the old “by the time I’m 30 I’ll be (insert whatever expectation you placed on yourself 10 years before.” Turning 31 felt rather insignificant in comparison, just another age, and that was a relief.  I had already said goodbye to my twenties, and had accepted being in this new decade and have had a great first year in it. I was ready for 31.

2. What other people think about me gets less important each year.

3. I spent my birthday morning dog walk saying the following mantras to myself:

I deserve a joyful birthday.

I deserve peace today.

I deserve love today.

4. This was my first birthday without Facebook (I deleted my account several months ago), so I didn’t worry about how many people wished me a happy birthday on there (which the logical part of me knows is silly anyway, but to be candid, it used to be a part of my birthday routine).

5. I haven’t been drinking as much recently, so I woke up on my birthday morning at 6:30 without a hangover and journaled and made coffee and walked the dog until my husband woke up, and didn’t have a pounding headache to remind me of the night before.

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6. I have become increasingly reflective each year, and more than I have any other birthday I acknowledged how far I have come instead of fixating on how far I still want to go.

7. I released the false belief that asking for things I wanted/needed for my birthday instead of just responding with “oh you don’t have to get me anything” was too demanding. Instead, I shared a wish list this year and got gifts I really enjoy.

8. I have the means to give myself a birthday gift or experience, and this year I treated myself to a morning of horseback riding.

9. I have cherished friends in my life who share my interests.

10. I don’t get mistaken for a high school/college student anymore, and I like being seen as an adult.

11. I feel young enough to still have plenty of time to achieve the things I want to achieve in life.

12. I feel old enough to at least start to know what the things I want to achieve in life actually are.

13. I am more comfortable setting boundaries that protect my energy.

14. This was my first birthday since my husband and I got married, and I am so glad to have found my partner at this point in my life.

15. I got a dog this year and it has been a very meaningful experience to take care of this sweet being and experience that love.

16. I still have time to have kids, and I don’t feel like I have to outrun my biological clock (just yet).

17. I love that so many women have commented to me that their thirties have been the best years of their lives.

18. This was my first year as a homeowner, and I love how empowering and grounding it has felt to own our house.

19. There is still time to travel and see many places.

20. I am working on the way I talk to myself, and I find that I am less self-critical than I was a year ago.

21. I trust myself more as I age.

22. I know how to take care of myself better now, and how to listen to my needs.

23. I am more expressive at 31 than I ever was before, and I voice my opinions, share my emotions, and speak my truth.

24. I have my health and physical strength, and take that for granted less each year.

25. Rituals have made my life feel sacred, and I prioritize my meditation, yoga, and journaling practices as a daily routine.

26. Saying “no” to things that don’t serve me is getting easier.

27. I know that prioritizing myself is not selfish, but essential. 

28. Life is short, and I am aware of that more and more, and that awareness spurs me to go after the things that matter.

29. Life is also long, and I am simultaneously aware of that, and that awareness gives me permission to not spend days, months, years on things that are not aligned with my values and goals.

30. I know that whether I am 31, 51, or 91, I will always be committed to learning new things and will always be dedicated to being a good person.

31. Every single year I am grateful to be alive in this crazy, wonderful thing we call life.

So whether you are turning 31, 23, or 75, I encourage you to acknowledge and appreciate what you love about being that age.