5 Big Benefits of Working with a Professional Life Coach

5 Reasons to work with a life coach

You might be wondering what you will get from working with a professional life coach and whether or not it is worth your time and money.

The coaching industry has exploded in recent years, and if you haven’t yet worked with a coach, it can be hard to know what it will be like and if you will find it valuable. Working with a coach can be really empowering, take it from a professional coach who still works with her own coach! In order to maximize your coaching experience as a client, it is important to make sure the coach you choose has some kind of formal training, and that you are a good “fit” together in terms of energy and style. As long as you are working with someone credible, I think you’ll love the return you get from investing in yourself through coaching. Still not sure? Here are 5 BIG benefits of working with a life coach:

1. You will learn to listen to yourself on a deeper level.

Coaches aren’t just going to give you the answer and tell you what to do. Instead, they are trained to empower you to seek the answers within yourself, and to trust your instincts and deepest desires. 

2. You will start to notice and change your own limiting beliefs.

We all have limiting beliefs that are often subconscious. Things like I’m too old to switch careers, I’m not pretty enough to go on a dating app, I’m not smart enough to apply for that job. The scary thing about limiting beliefs is they can be ruling our lives and we don’t even realize it. A coach can call out some of the ones you might have, and help you bring awareness to them so they no longer run the show and don’t have the power to hold you back anymore. 

5 big benefits of working with a life coach

3. You will have an accountability partner.

Part of coaching is setting goals and making sure you actually achieve them. A coach can be a powerful accountability partner so you know someone is holding you to the things you said you want to do and you will be way more likely to actually do them.

4. You will feel encouraged, supported and that you always have someone in your corner.

Coaches are a neutral party, they don’t have their own agenda or bias like a family member or friend might have. Because of that, they are always working for YOU, and only you. They want you to reach your full potential and they are on your team to help you get there.

5. You will get in touch with and articulate your values so you can live your life in service of them! 

What really matters to you? What are the guiding principles you want to live you life by? A coach can help you get clear on your values, and in turn help you make sure you are prioritizing them in your life.

Still not sure if coaching is right for you? Try it out!

I offer a free first session so you can experience the power of coaching for yourself. Contact me today to schedule yours or with any further questions you have about if working with a coach is right for you.