Are You Out of Alignment with Your Values? Here are the Signs.

Are you out of alignment with your values? Here is how to find out.

When we know what we value most, and then choose to live in service of honoring those values, we make intentional decisions that lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life. But our lives get busy, and there are a lot of demands on our time and energy, so if we’re not careful we can live in reaction to external asks and influences as opposed to making more conscious decisions from the inside out. And sometimes when we are busy or overwhelmed or unhappy, we don’t even think to check in with ourselves to see if we are living by our values. Or we forget to trust our instincts and listen to our inner knowings.

So if you are in that place, or not sure if you are, here are some signs to let you know that you are out of alignment. By knowing the signs, we can know when we need to make a shift back into aligned living to support our deep desires and true dreams.

Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul.
— John C. Maxwell

Physical, Mental & Emotional Signs You Are out of Alignment with Your Values:

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Our Bodies Know

Our bodies can be our greatest teachers, and they cannot hide the truth. We can gain so much information about how we are doing and what is working for us just by noticing the way things make us feel.

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Can’t Turn Your Mind Off?

Feel like you can’t escape from your own thoughts? That’s a sign something is out of alignment. We waste so much mental energy thinking about things that don’t serve us, or letting our inner-critic take control of our minds. Notice your thought patterns to see if you need to make a shift.

Feel Your Feelings

When we shove our emotions down and bottle them up, they do not simply dissipate. They fester and somehow come up later, whether that is in the form of an outburst, or as a physical illness. Notice what you are feeling, and let yourself have those feelings. If they are not positive, maybe it’s time to step more into living by your values.

I hope you found these signs helpful to check if you are living out of alignment with your values. What are some other signs you notice? How can you regularly check in with yourself to make sure you are living the way you want to be living?

Not sure what your values are? Or want to make a conscious plan to live by them? Let’s have a values session together.