January Growth Dose

Your monthly dose of personal growth.

I am excited to begin offering some personal growth resources in a new format! At the end of each month, I will be sharing something to read, something to listen to, a prompt for writing, one thing to do, and a question or concept to ponder, all in service of self-reflection and personal growth in the month ahead.

Here is your January Growth Dose to start the year off with intention:


Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change

By Pema Chodron

Your January dose of personal growth.

“We have a choice. We can spend our whole life suffering because we can't relax with how things really are, or we can relax and embrace the open-endedness of the human situation, which is fresh, unfixated, unbiased.”

Pema Chodron is a wonderful teacher. Any book of hers is valuable and beautiful, but this one is a favorite.

Get your copy here.


Unlocking Us Podcast

If you haven’t listened to Brene Brown’s podcast yet, I highly recommend it. She has wonderful guests and she is wise and real and funny.

Listen here.


Journal Prompt: Reflect on this year. What have you learned in 2020? How have you grown?


Take some time to set goals for the new year! You can do this independently, or if you’d like some guidance join one of my monthly sessions here.


What is possible for you in 2021? What would you do this year if you were not afraid?

Wishing you a growth-filled January!