March Growth Dose

March Growth Dose from Coach Marissa.png

Hello, March! This winter has felt abnormally gloomy here in Colorado, but it has been very supportive of turning inward and reflecting. How has this season been for you? Are you needing a little inspiration for nurturing your personal growth this winter?

Here is your March Growth Dose:


I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t)

By Brene Brown

Your March Dose of Personal Growth!
  • An older book, but one I found really valuable. If you know Brene Brown, you know she is a shame researcher and this book is all about building shame resilience! As she puts it: “By resilience, I mean that ability to recognize shame when we experience it, and move through it in a constructive way that allows us to maintain our authenticity and grow from our experiences.” If you haven’t read this one, or any of her books for that matter, pick up a copy!


Mindful in Minutes Podcast

  • A lovely podcast of guided meditations. I listen to these as a break in the middle of the day or before bed and they are very relaxing and supportive of my self-care practice.

  • Click here to listen.


In Brene Brown’s book I mentioned above she found through her research that “most of us, if not all, have built significant parts of our lives around shame.” Isn’t that wild? I invite you to do a reflection write about if you feel that is true for you. If that is true for you, what would it look like for that area of your life to be build around love instead?


Spend some time alone outside this month. Just you and the mountains, the ocean, the trail, wherever you are. Get quiet and just notice all of your senses being stimulated by the nature around you.


How can I enhance my joy today?

Wishing you a growth-filled March, my friends!