May Growth Dose

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Happy May, dear friends. It is feeling so good to me to have the warmth in the air and the sun on my shoulders. Are you feeling new energy from the spring? I hope you are finding ways to prioritize yourself right now.

Here is your monthly dose of personal growth to usher in reflection, development and nurturing in the coming weeks.


Judgement Detox by Gabby Bernstein

  • This book is very thought-provoking about why we judge others and how we can do our own work to heal our demons instead of reflecting insecurities on others. If you are working on being less judgmental or just bringing awareness to your relationship with judging others this book is worth a read. As Bernstein writes: Our true nature is love. But at some point in our life, usually in childhood, some external event causes us to separate from that true nature. That separation from love creates in us feelings of specialness or inadequacy, leading to loneliness, and as a result, fear. We want to protect ourselves from that fear, so we project it outward in the form of judgment.

May’s inspiration and guidance for your personal growth journey.


Oprah’s Super Soul Podcast Episode with Martha Beck: The Way of Integrity

  • I listened to this podcast over again as soon as it ended. The way Oprah and Martha Beck talk about being in integrity is inspiring. If you are looking to feel more aligned with your own truth, listen to their wise words.


Write a letter to your future self. Pick a time in the future (1 year, 3 years, 10 years, etc.) and write to yourself. Write what you wish for yourself in the future, and what you want your future self to remember about where you are now.

  • I have had several clients write different versions of letters to themselves over the course of our work together, and it can be very cathartic, reflective, and healing.


Try something new. When was the last time you tried something new that you might not be good at or know about, but you are just experimenting and giving it a shot? As adults it’s so easy to do what we know and what we are good at. Challenge yourself. Get out of your comfort zone. Play. (I just signed up for a beginner's golf league!)


What would be possible if you weren’t seeking approval from anyone other than yourself?

Wishing you a growth-filled May!